Disaster Relief / Agile Social Impact

Corporate Social Responsibility is a given. The bigger directive now is what we call Agile Social Impact -- the ability to respond immediately to emerging events, innovate faster with new programs and initiatives, optimize continuously, and have a clear understanding of the impact you achieve.

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Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Maximizing Your Social Impact Through Cause Alignment
Corporations are evolving their general philanthropy approaches towards supporting causes more tightly aligned with other company initiatives. This reflects a desire to be strategically consistent, purpose driven, and to concentrate giving that produces the most impact. We see this first-hand with our progressive CyberGrants clients. But don’t just take our word for it. There are several industry studies that validate this trend.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

New Strategies to Boost CSR Impact
The need for corporate giving is off the charts. So do you just give more dollars? We see your dilemma every single day. More events, more urgency and more distress. But just giving more dollars isn’t necessarily better. Doing it quickly, and with focus on making your dollar go further is what creates impact for you.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

How Recurring Giving Boosts Impact - Measurably
We’ve all witnessed it. Technology advancements have given employees access. And access means new ways to give, and not necessarily through work. Concurrently, technology has made organizations more agile, to the extent that companies have completely flipped their philanthropy strategies and made recurring giving a cornerstone of their overall corporate citizenship efforts.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Agile Social Impact: How to Change the World – Faster and Better
We certainly don’t need to inform you how great the demand is for corporate giving. Our shared world is rife with want and chaos and emergencies. The need is everywhere. Worthy, urgent causes roar up literally overnight. And thankfully, there’s people like you, and organizations like yours, who jump in and help in big ways. Whether through grantmaking, employee donations or volunteer programs, the challenges are the same. How can you best mobilize your resources, generate maximal impact, and deliver that impact as quickly to the point of need?

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Agile Social Impact: The New Imperative for Corporate Philanthropy

Innovation & Technology

How Agile CSR Software Helps You Make a Bigger Impact
Agile software is built to help teams deliver value to their users faster and with fewer roadblocks. Being an agile software means it’s developed and evaluated incrementally so the software can respond to changing needs more efficiently. The same concepts are applied to how the software operates so end users can respond to change quickly.

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