Environmental Sustainability


Cisco is working not only for a more inclusive future, but a more environmentally sustainable one as well. Environmental issues like climate change, pollution, and waste can disproportionately affect disadvantaged socio-economic groups and future generations.

Link: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/csr/environmental-sustainability.html


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Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Cisco Announces Goals for Sustainable Packaging and Zero Waste
At Cisco, we are committed to accelerating the transition of our business to the circular economy.


Cisco Connects to the Conservation Cause
In partnership with Dimension Data, Cisco launched Connected Conservation, our joint initiative, in 2015. This was the first solution of its kind to proactively protect rhinos while leaving them to roam freely. While we also look to explore and implement other solutions that track the animal in conjunction with a rich ecosystem of partners, Connected Conservation eliminates human interference.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Earth Day: What Makes Cisco a Sustainability Leader?
Nearly 50 years ago, US Senator Gaylord Nelson spearheaded the first Earth Day, sparked by the devastating 1969 oil spill off the Southern California coast. The inaugural celebration in 1970 saw 20 million Americans showing their support, followed by the passing of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Acts by year’s end.


Recycle IT Day: How Cisco Tackles E-Waste
Global e-scrap dumping—it’s a serious environmental and public health issue. To help address this critical concern, Cisco hosts Recycle IT Day every year, and has done so since 2002. Around the world, Cisco locations act as collection points for employees to drop off e-scrap like end-of-life electronics from their home or work to be recycled by Cisco, free of charge.

The 2019 Recycle IT Day will take place on Tuesday, April 23 at Cisco offices around the world. We have 162 sites participating this year—20 more than last year.


Taking Ambition on Climate Change to the Next Level
Addressing greenhouse gas emissions continues to be a top priority for Cisco. As of FY2017, our GHG emissions are down more than 40% in absolute terms since 2007 — in spite of our business growing more than 37% over that time. At the Global Climate Action Summit, Cisco joined 20 other companies as part of the Step Up Declaration, a new alliance dedicated to harnessing the power of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Cisco Announces New Goal to Reduce Its Use of Virgin Plastic by 20%
At Cisco, we are focused on making sustainable thinking a business imperative. Using the lens of the circular economy, we are changing the way we do business, including being more deliberate about how and when to use plastic.

Like many companies, Cisco uses plastic across its product portfolio and in its packaging. Plastic has a lot of benefits, from its technical properties to its low cost and its light weight, which help reduce logistics emissions. However, it also comes with many, well‑documented challenges.

Green Infrastructure

Cisco Employees Spend a Week Going Green
The leaves on the trees may no longer be green, but Cisco employees are! Despite the changing of the seasons, employees across Cisco spent last week participating in local, environmentally-friendly activities to reduce their carbon footprints.


Global Climate Action Series: Cisco Supply Chain Driving Positive Climate Action
Cisco has a long track record of working to address issues that impact our planet. We firmly believe that doing the right thing for the environment is also the right thing for our business.


Global Climate Action Series: Cisco Announces Ambitious Product Power Efficiency Goal
Cisco categorizes our GHG and energy initiatives into four areas: operations, extended operations (supply chain), products, and the solutions we sell to our customers. More than a decade ago, Cisco used the IPCC 4th Assessment to set our initial operations GHG reduction goal, and we continue to follow that roadmap.


Global Climate Action Series: Stepping Up on Workplace Sustainability
In light of the Global Climate Action Summit taking place this week in San Francisco, where leaders and individuals are coming together to take ambition to the next level on climate change, I wanted to spend some time reiterating Cisco’s commitment to solving climate change and embedding sustainability into our global real estate operations.
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