Environmental Sustainability


Cisco is working not only for a more inclusive future, but a more environmentally sustainable one as well. Environmental issues like climate change, pollution, and waste can disproportionately affect disadvantaged socio-economic groups and future generations.

Link: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/csr/environmental-sustainability.html


Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

5 Ways Cisco Is Increasing Product Energy Efficiency
A key priority for Cisco is continuing to improve the performance of our products while maintaining, or decreasing, their energy use.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Net Zero Methodology: Yes It Is Complicated, but Worth Doing Thoroughly
In September of 2021, Cisco committed to reach net zero across Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions by 2040.

Green Infrastructure

Cisco's Green Buildings: Good for the Planet and Our Well-Being
Earth Aware, Cisco’s month-long employee celebration of sustainability and the planet is also an opportune time to focus on green buildings.


People Behind CSR at Cisco: Inspiration to Action, Stepping Toward Climate Solutions
At Cisco, we envision a world where our planet’s limited resources are used sustainably so both people and ecosystems can thrive.


Cisco's Continued Journey to Net Zero
While we are making progress in improving our environmental performance, we recognize that there is more we can do


Remora: Meet the Team Fighting Climate Change by Capturing CO2 From Trucks
Now that the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2021 winners have been officially announced, we are excited for you to learn more about each winning team and the story behind each innovation.


Creating a Better and More Inclusive Future Through Regenerative Sustainability
The Cisco Foundation recently made a $100 million commitment to invest in a sustainable and regenerative future through climate solutions. You’re likely to hear the term environmental sustainability in conjunction with climate solutions.


People Behind CSR at Cisco: Why an Inclusive Future Needs Environmental Sustainability
Cisco is working not only for a more inclusive future but a more environmentally sustainable one as well. Environmental issues like climate change, pollution, and waste can disproportionately affect disadvantaged socio-economic groups.


Energy Efficiency of Cisco Products
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