ESG Voices: Short Podcasts Addressing the Opportunities and Challenges of ESG

This podcast series takes a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges of ESG and what it means for businesses and communities through interviews with ESG experts from KPMG and beyond.

Throughout the series, we will discuss a broad range of environmental, social and governance issues, aiming to support businesses and communities in creating an equitable and prosperous future for all.

Unlike webcasts, which go more deeply into the technical aspects of ESG developments, this podcast series is designed to be brief and conversational, focused on thematic developments in the ESG space. You can listen on your commute to work (or wherever you enjoy your podcasts).

New episodes will be added regularly and we welcome your ongoing input on topics to cover and leaders to interview.

Click here to listen to ESG voices.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign


ESG Voices: Data’s Role in the Energy Transition
The energy transition stands as the defining challenge of our era. Every sector faces mounting pressure to power human progress in a way that is reliable and affordable but also, critically, more sustainable and equitable.


ESG Voices: Safeguarding Nature and Biodiversity Through Women and Indigenous Communities
Sarah Nelson, Global Lead, Nature & Biodiversity at KPMG International, and Camilla Fontenelle, Supervising Consultant, KPMG in Brazil, and Chair of Leaders 2050, discuss the role that women, and local and indigenous communities, have to play.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

ESG Voices: Corruption Risk at a Global Scale: Dissecting the Corruption Perceptions Index
KPMG professionals from the Financial Services Forensic Team at KPMG in the UK explore Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, a global ranking which scores 180 countries and territories according to their perceived levels of corruption.

Events, Media & Communications

ESG Voices: KPMG Podcast Series
This podcast series takes a deep dive into the opportunities and challenges of ESG and what it means for businesses and communities through interviews with ESG experts from KPMG and beyond.
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