Goals That Inspire: Environmental Stewardship

Through our Goals That Inspire we have established aggressive commitments with targeted and measurable metrics which will require innovation, collaboration and problem-solving from everyone in the organization. Our strategy is designed to not only meet the needs of stakeholders today, but to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Our Goals That Inspire: Environmental Stewardship are centered around:

  • Improving our energy efficiency and doing our part to address Climate Change
  • Protecting Essential Water Supply by monitoring, recycling and reusing to the extent possible
  • Preserving, Restoring and Improving Biodiversity through responsible land use and resource conservation

For full details about our established baselines, progress we have made and the strategy for our Goals That Inspire please see our 2022 ESG Report.

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Content from this campaign


Covia Joins WHC’s Innovative Birdhouse Challenge To Build a Better Future for Wildlife
Covia is committed to protecting biodiversity by preserving intact forests, reclaiming land with over 50% native species, managing avian and migratory bird habitats, protecting endangered species and their habitats, and combating invasive species.


Covia Partnering To Preserve Biodiversity at the Local Level
Covia’s commitment to biodiversity is evident across its operational footprint. At a local level, our facilities and our Team Members are involved in supporting community projects on an ongoing basis, with funding and organizational support available to further positive impacts.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Covia Honored With the 2024 Environmental/Sustainability Award
Covia is pleased to announce that we were honored with the 2024 Environmental/Sustainability Award during the Peterborough County Community Recognition Awards ceremony on Thursday, May 16th at the Douro Community Centre in Peterborough, Ontario.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Recognizing Excellence: Covia’s Plants Nominated for WHC Awards
Two of Covia’s plants are nominees for awards from the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) this year. Those nominated represent companies certified by the WHC with outstanding voluntary programs that aim to create, conserve, and restore wildlife habitat.


Covia’s Dividing Creek Plant: Nurturing Nature and Empowering Communities
Covia is privileged to manage a variety of natural resources, which is why conservation and community well-being are deeply embedded in the way we operate our mining and processing facilities.


Covia’s 30-Year Partnership With Wildlife Habitat Council: Promoting Biodiversity and Conservation
Covia is the responsible steward of over 80,000 acres of land across our footprint. Planning for responsible land use is embedded throughout the life cycle of our operations.
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