HP Inc. | Digital Equity

Digital equity will be achieved when every person has equitable and inclusive access to skills and knowledge, services, and opportunities in the digital economy. In 2021, HP set a goal to accelerate digital equity for 150 million people by 2030. Through the HP Partnership and Technology for Humanity (PATH) initiative, HP is helping pave the way toward a world where women and girls, communities of color and marginalized groups, teachers and practitioners, and people with disabilities have access to the technology they need to ensure their voices are heard and their participation is equitable.
Education: Education is a fundamental human right and a foundation to sustainable development. HP’s global education programs and technology solutions emphasize access for people everywhere—with a focus on educational opportunities for girls, women, and some of the world’s most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Healthcare: From a healthcare portfolio of PC and printing solutions to personalized 3D-printed prosthetics, HP innovations focus on meeting specific challenges in the sector. HP's solutions are designed to help clinicians improve patient outcomes, boost efficiency, and increase access for underserved populations. Economic Opportunity: Economic and social conditions have stifled access to economic opportunities among marginalized groups by lack of connectivity, resources, and education to develop skills, trust, and understanding of technology. HP and the HP Foundation provide programs to enable people to build skills that build economies, such as HP LIFE, a free, skills-training program for entrepreneurs, business owners, and lifelong learners all over the world. Local Impact: HP embraces its role as a purpose-driven company and global corporate citizen. HP contributes skills, technology, partnerships, and investments to strengthen the resilience and vitality of its local communities and connect them to greater economic and social opportunity through technology. HP's local impact efforts are supported through corporate contributions, the work of the HP Foundation, and employee giving and volunteerism. Learn more