International Paper (IP) reaffirms its dedication to conserving forest ecosystems, nature and biodiversity with a $15.3 million investment to renew strategic alliances with key conservation partners.
Take a walk in the woods with International Paper’s certified wildlife biologist, one of our fiber specialists and our chief sustainability officer to learn what defines a sustainably managed forest.
The Arbor Day Foundation has awarded International Paper the prestigious 2021 Friend of the Forest Award. International Paper is among six individuals, nonprofits, and companies who received an Arbor Day Award in 2021.
Our entire business depends on the sustainability of forests. Healthy forests provide clean air and water, habitat for animals and economic opportunity for millions of people. That’s why our #IPVision2030 goals include a commitment to Healthy & Abundant Forests.
On a hilltop in southeast Brazil, 4,500 feet above the surrounding landscape, is a coffee plantation that has been operating in the same family for more than 150 years—five generations.
How we manage forests is a critical, yet often overlooked, solution in the fight against climate change. Improvements to land stewardship could cost-effectively avoid 11 gigatons of CO2 emissions per year, or 1/3 of the mitigation needed to meet global climate commitments.
In celebration of Wildlife Conservation Day, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and International Paper (IP) are proud to highlight a critical milestone in the conservation of the red-cockaded woodpecker
In celebration of Bat Week, International Paper (IP) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are proud to highlight their ongoing efforts to restore important bat habitats through oak regeneration projects in Alabama.
In honor of World Rivers Day, International Paper (IP) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are celebrating their longstanding collaboration through the Forestland Stewards Partnership.
International Paper (IP) reaffirms its dedication to conserving forest ecosystems, nature and biodiversity with a $15.3 million investment to renew strategic alliances with key conservation partners.
As we move toward our target of conserving and restoring 1 million acres of ecologically significant forestland by 2030, we are working with strategic partners to safeguard the long-term resilience of our forests and the communities they sustain.
In 2023, the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) honored International Paper with a Leadership in Sustainability Award for Resilient U.S. Forests.
Maintaining the health, well-being and resilience of our forests is integral to global ecosystems — and our business model. That’s why we are committed to producing the products our customers need while being a responsible steward of the world’s natural resources.
In honor of National Forest Week, International Paper (IP) and longtime partner National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) celebrate the collaboration between public and private partners that is essential to supporting robust forests and wildlife throughout the Southeast.
Did you know one single large tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year, transforming it into a day's worth of oxygen for up to four people?
On International Day of Forests, International Paper (IP) and longtime partner the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) celebrate landowners across the U.S. South