International Women's Day 2018: Press for Progress

The World Economic Forum’s 2017 Global Gender Gap Report estimates that gender parity is over 200 years away. Moving up this timeline will take strategic cooperation between companies, their people, and their key non-profit partners. Now, more than ever, there's a strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. There's a strong call to #PressforProgress motivating and uniting friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.

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Diversity & Inclusion

Donor Data Shows Companies Can (and Should!) Do More to Prioritize Women's Causes
Many companies brought gender equality issues to the forefront this International Women’s Day. But what’s even more interesting is that charitable giving also increased—though not in the way that you might imagine. According to Benevity data from millions of Fortune 1000 employees, there was a notable spike in donation activity on March 8, 2018, with triple the total amount donated last year. Continue reading to find out which surprising set of causes were supported.

Diversity & Inclusion

Be YOU: The Women of Benevity
Happy International Women's Day! At Benevity we believe that equality for women is everyone's business. And only together, can we truly #PressforProgress. Find out how you can get involved at

Diversity & Inclusion

Finding My Voice This International Women’s Day
Today is International Women’s Day and some of you may be asking yourself questions like “What can I do to get involved?” “Why do we need this and why is it being talked about?” “Is it a celebration or is it a somber occasion?” Chelsey Cole, Charity Relations Specialist at Benevity, believes it’s both.

Diversity & Inclusion

Do the Right Thing for Gender Equality This International Women's Day
As a small gesture in the direction of impelling action toward positive change, Benevity CEO Bryan de Lottinville decided to use personal funds to match donations on a 2-to-1 basis to three organizations addressing some of the unique challenges facing women: YWCA, Canada Learning Code and Dress for Success.

Diversity & Inclusion

Pressing for Progress: Accenture, Ball, Genentech and Intuit Illuminate the Way
Gender equality is front and center in the public conversation as never before, and people are looking for ways to get involved and make a difference with more urgency and action. When we look at data from the hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies that use Benevity’s platform, volunteering time for women’s causes is growing at twice the rate of overall active volunteerism. On International Women’s Day itself, we saw donation activity double from 2016 to 2017, and donations to causes dedicated to women’s issues grew by nearly 12 times.

Diversity & Inclusion

3 Words That Opened My Mind to a New Meaning of Diversity & Inclusion
"Visibly, I’m a minority female in a leadership position at a tech company. So you might think I know a thing or two about diversity and inclusion in the workplace (affectionately known as D&I). Admittedly, I’m no expert and I haven’t read very much of the literature on this topic. But I have a few experiences of my own that I’ve been sitting on and thought was time to share." - Sona Khosla, VP Marketing Benevity. Continue reading to hear Sona's experiences and find out which three words forever changed her.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Your Guide to Creating and Promoting a Culture of Gender Equality
Gender equality is one of the most important conversations happening today and you can join this movement by utilizing your most critical resource—your people. Download this guide to get four ways you can create a culture of gender equality through your giving, volunteering and granting program to provide a place of belonging and inclusion for your people.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Benevity to Provide $100,000 in Double Donation Matching for Women's Causes
Benevity Founder and CEO contributes $100,000 of his personal funds to three organizations addressing unique challenges facing women: YWCA, Canada Learning Code and Dress for Success.
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