IWBI | WELL Building Standard

Our built environment can shape our habits and choices, regulate our sleep-wake cycle, drive us toward healthy and unhealthy choices, and passively influence our health through the quality of our surroundings. The WELL Building Standard™ (WELL) is the first building standard to focus on enhancing people’s health and well-being through the built environment.  

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Health & Healthcare

WELL Hits Major Global Milestone Supporting Healthier People and Better Buildings

Health & Healthcare

WELL Transcends All Building Types As Leaders Across Industries Pave the Way
What do a police station, a pre-school, a hotel, a lecture hall, an affordable housing complex and a fitness center all have in common? With a commitment to people at the heart of each of their missions, each of these outstanding spaces has...

Green Infrastructure

Announcing WELL v2 Crosswalks: The Blueprint for Applying WELL Alongside Other Global Standards
At the International WELL Building InstituteTM (IWBITM), we strive to make the WELL Building StandardTM (WELLTM) as accessible, impactful and localized as possible for global users. One of our key initiatives that sits at the heart of that goal is crosswalks. These resources are intended to identify synergies between WELL and other global building rating systems, and streamline efforts for projects seeking a dual rating by acknowledging where WELL requirements are deemed equivalent or aligned with aspects of the alternate building rating tool.

Green Infrastructure

IWBI Celebrates Crossing the 1,000th WELL Registered Project Mark
The WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) has marked a new milestone, crossing the 1,000 mark for projects that have enrolled in this premier global program that advances people’s health and well-being through better buildings and communities. The distinction of being 1,000th to register for WELL is shared by two projects in the capital city of Germany.

Green Infrastructure

IWBI Announces First WELL Portfolio Participants
The International WELL Building InstituteTM (IWBITM ) announced today the first participants in WELL PortfolioTM , a new streamlined pathway for WELL CertificationTM for multiple new or existing buildings and tenant spaces in a single portfolio. Being released as part of the WELL v2TM pilot, the latest iteration of the WELL Building StandardTM (WELLTM ), it is part of a suite of enhancements to WELL that addresses growing demand across the building industry for a program that helps owners, developers and tenants streamline and scale health and wellness upgrades to their real estate assets.

Green Infrastructure

WELL Tip: Pursuing WELL for Existing Spaces
WELL Certification is for all types of projects - from commercial offices to warehouses to apartment buildings. And just as WELL offers flexibility when it comes to project types, it also offers flexibility with regard to project stage. Whether newly constructed, undergoing renovation or existing, your project can achieve WELL Certification.

Health & Healthcare

WELL Story: Making Waves in the Sports Industry With Allen Hershkowitz PhD
We’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Allen Hershkowitz, Chairman and Founding Director of Sports and Sustainability International, about the intersection of sports, sustainability and health. This discussion comes at an incredible moment for both health and sustainability, which have never been more of a polarizing force in our economic, cultural and political discussions.

Health & Healthcare

Inside the Beijing 'Office' Inhabited by Human Guinea Pigs
In the fake offices and homes of the Well Living Lab, scientists monitor volunteers to identify ways to make them healthier and more productive.

Green Infrastructure

Well Tip: Understanding the Comparison Between Well V1 and Well V2 Pilot
Are you working on a WELL v1 project and wondering how your team can best utilize the new version of WELL? Are you eager to register your project, but would like to first understand the feature comparison between WELL v1 and the WELL Building Standard version 2 pilot: (WELL v2)? We have launched a new comparison tool to help you explore the changes between v1 and v2.

Green Infrastructure

Making the Case for Better Buildings
The World Green Building Council recently released their latest report, Doing Right By People and Planet: The Business Case for Health and Wellbeing in Green Building. This report focuses on 11 case studies from around the world that highlight the ways health and well-being building features can "save your company money, make your employees feel healthier and more productive, and bring a positive return on your investment in a green and healthy space."

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