Kingfisher Around the World

The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world.  It differentiates companies that are making a difference for people and the planet, and helps businesses, institutional buyers, government procurement agencies, and consumers make better informed decisions about the environmental, sustainability, and quality aspects of the products and services they use.  This campaign provides news and highlights about these certified products and the innovative companies behind them. 


Why the Kingfisher?  Kingfisher birds, ubiquitous and beloved around the world, are known for their keen vision and skillful hunting. These qualities are reminiscent of the functions we perform every day as third-party auditors in the field.  Widely recognized as indicators of environmental health, some Kingfisher species are now threatened with extinction. The SCS Kingfisher serves as a reminder of the power, beauty, and vulnerability of nature in the face of human activities.

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign


SCS Verifies First Agriculture Land Management Carbon Offset Project in Africa Under Verra’s Improved Agricultural Land Management (VM0042) Methodology
SCS Global Services (SCS) is excited to announce that Verra has approved validation and verification for a project in Africa using Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0042 Improved Agricultural Land Management.

Responsible Production & Consumption

The Water Council Expands Water Stewardship Programming
The Water Council announced an expansion today of its groundbreaking water stewardship verification program, WAVE.

WAVE: Action will help organizations set targets that directly mitigate highest priority water risks and address shared challenges and opportunities.

Sustainable Development Goals

SCS Global Services Joins ECO Platform As Newest Member Offering Life Cycle Assessment for the European Market
SCS Global Services, a leader in third-party sustainability certification has joined ECO Platform, a global non-profit organization focused on promoting and contributing to sustainable development of a low-carbon economy and resource efficiency in the construction sector.

Events, Media & Communications

Two Dell Technologies Forum Events 2024 Achieve Zero Waste Event Certification From SCS Global Services
SCS Global Services (SCS), a pioneer and international leader in third-party sustainability and environmental certifications, announces the first events certified under the SCS Zero Waste Standard — two Dell Technologies Forum Events in India.

Responsible Production & Consumption

VFLP California's Burns Ranch Achieves Bee Better Certification™ From SCS Global Services
VFLP California's Burns Ranch Achieves Bee Better Certification™ from SCS Global Services. Driscoll's Blueberry Producer Demonstrates Leadership in Pollinator-Friendly Agriculture.

Responsible Production & Consumption

The 2BS Association Approves SCS Global Services As Its Newest Certification Body
SCS Global Services is proud to announce its new role as a certification body for the 2BS (Biomass, Biofuel Sustainability) Certification standard, an initiative dedicated to evaluating and verifying the sustainability in the supply chain of biofuels, biomass and biomethane.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Complimentary Webinar: Audit Success Secrets - The Power of Strategic Planning and Commitment
Join this webinar to learn how strategic planning and commitment can lead you to auditing success.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Complimentary Webinar: Top Food Safety Non-Conformances in 2024 – Learnings & How To Prevent Re-Occurrence
Want to stay ahead of food safety compliance challenges? Join the webinar on Feb 20, 2025 to learn the most common non-conformances of 2024 and how to prevent them. Get real-world examples, actionable strategies, and expert insights across GFSI schemes.

Green Infrastructure

Complimentary Webinar: Prepare for New GHG Inventory Verification Regulations - The Experts Take Your Questions
Join our team of experts on Wednesday, January 29th at 11:00 AM PT/1:00PM EST for a Q&A session as they address your questions on how to best prepare for new GHG inventory verification regulations.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Complimentary Webinar: Preparing for Aquaculture Feed Certification
Learn everything you need to know about the ASC Feed Standard in our upcoming complimentary webinar “Preparing for Aquaculture Feed Certification: Next Steps for Pursuing the New ASC Feed Mill Certification” on January 29th at 11:00 AM EST.

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