Merck: Access to Health

In collaboration with key stakeholders, we work to ensure our science advances health care, and our products are accessible and affordable to those in need.

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Health & Healthcare

Merck & Jhpiego: Helping Moms Deliver Their Babies Safely
Our company provides support to many women’s health initiatives around the world. Through Merck for Mothers, we support programs that reduce maternal mortality and improve access to quality health care for women. In addition, through our Merck Fellowship program, employees share their unique skills to advance health care around the world.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Merck Supports The Expanded Special Project for Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (ESPEN)
Merck’s Office of Corporate Responsibility announced a $500,000 grant to the World Health Organization’s Expended Special Project to Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases (ESPEN).

Health & Healthcare

Merck for Mothers - Reversing the Trend of Maternal Mortality
“Reverse” is a short film that tells the story of a young daughter and the many challenges she faces on her journey to motherhood. Despite good parenting, good education, and a good job, surviving giving birth is far from a given.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Merck Named One of TIME’s 50 Genius Companies for Work in Ebola

Health & Healthcare

Merck Announces “Safer Childbirth Cities” Initiative, Issues Call to Action to Reverse the Rise in U.S. Maternal Deaths
Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, announced today a new effort to support cities across the country to help women have a healthy pregnancy and safe childbirth. The “Safer Childbirth Cities” initiative is intended to reduce the number of maternal deaths and life-threatening childbirth events and narrow disparities in maternal health outcomes in the U.S.

Innovation & Technology

Merck Emergency Drone Delivery Experiment Combines Supply Chain Innovation and Corporate Responsibility
A Merck experiment flying drones carrying medicines to remote locations to see if the technology is viable during emergencies may have appeal in disaster situations.

Health & Healthcare

Merck Foundation Supports New Programs to Improve Care for Alzheimer’s Patients and Caregivers in the United States
The Merck Foundation (the Foundation) is supporting two new programs to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. With a focus on underserved rural and urban populations in New England and Minnesota, these pro

Health & Healthcare

Saving Mothers, Giving Life: Reflecting on Five Years of Partnership
Five years ago, Saving Mothers, Giving Life (SMGL) – a major public-private partnership – set the ambitious goal of reducing maternal mortality by half in target districts in Uganda and Zambia, and later Nigeria.

Health & Healthcare

More Than 300 Partners Want to Know – What Do Women and Girls Want Most When It Comes to Quality Health Care?
The recently launched What Women Want campaign is especially motivating given its potential to transform accountability for reproductive and maternal health at the global and national levels.

Health & Healthcare

Merck Announces Findings from WHO-led Study of Investigational Heat-Stable Carbetocin for Preventing Excessive Bleeding After Childbirth
Study results announced on an investigational heat-stable formulation of carbetocin for the prevention of excessive bleeding after childbirth, also known as postpartum haemorrhage (PPH). The results demonstrated that heat-stable carbetocin is clinically non-inferior to the standard of care, oxytocin, for the primary outcome of ≥500 ml blood loss or additional uterotonic use.1 Non-inferiority was not demonstrated for the second primary outcome of blood loss of ≥1,000 ml or more
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More from Merck & Co., Inc.

  1. Merck: Access to Health
    In collaboration with key stakeholders, we work to ensure our science advances health care, and our products are accessible and affordable to those in...
  2. Merck: Ethics & Values
    Through our unwavering commitment to transparency, we earn the trust and confidence of our stakeholders.
  3. Merck: Environmental Sustainability
    We consider the impacts of our operations and strive to operate our business sustainably to support the health of our planet and its people.
  4. Merck: Employees
    We recognize that our ability to excel depends on the integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and wellbeing of our employees.