National Grid Northeast 80x50 Pathway

Clean Energy, Efficiency, and Electrification: National Grid’s Northeast 80x50 Pathway This paper presents National Grid’s integrated blueprint for New York and New England to reduce greenhouse gas emissions deeply below 1990 levels while supporting economic growth and maintaining affordability and customer choice. Our approach combines several mutually-reinforcing strategies that together provide a clear pathway to significant emissions reductions and signal a paradigm shift in the way we all relate to energy. National Grid is keen to achieve greater collaboration within the Northeast on this pressing and critical issue.

To see the full version of National Grid’s Northeast 80x50 Pathway, please visit  

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National Grid's Strategy to Decarbonize the Heat Sector in New England
Director, US Strategy, for National Grid Mackay Miller presented on National Grid's strategy to decarbonize the heating sector in the Northeast at the #RaabRT event earlier this week.


Climate Change Is Dynamic, and Our Response Must Be Too
National Grid President John Bruckner on how gas, both green and natural, will play a role in securing our clean energy future.


National Grid Statement on Clean Power Plan
“National Grid believes significant and urgent action is needed to combat climate change and has long supported reasonable decarbonization policies and strategies – including the Clean Power Plan and the Paris Climate Accord,” said Dean Seavers, president of National Grid, US. “Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining affordability and resiliency, is paramount for National Grid.”


Pathway to 2030: Transform the Heat Sector Through Energy Efficiency, Electrification, and Oil-to-Gas Conversion
Achieving the 2030 target economically implies dramatic reduction in the reliance on the most expensive and polluting heating fuels: fuel oil, propane, and kerosene.


Pathway to 2030: Transform the Light-Duty Transportation Sector Through Electrification
In contrast to the electricity and heat sectors, emissions from transportation are effectively unchanged since 1990. Vehicle electrification provides a promising pathway, as cost and performance of the underlying battery technology has seen step-change improvements in recent years.


Pathyway to 2030: Accelerate Decarbonization of the Electric Sector
Today, zero-carbon electricity comprises over 50% of Northeast electricity generation. About 25% is from renewable electricity, including large-scale hydro. To position the region to achieve 2030 targets, total zero-carbon generation must increase to 67% of supply, with the renewable electricity share rising to nearly 50%, outpacing both RGGI and targets set in state-level RPS (Figure 3). All major classes of renewable resources figure prominently in the Pathway: onshore and offshore wind, distributed and large-scale solar, and hydro power.


National Grid Northeast 80x50 Pathway: THE PATHWAY TO 2030


National Grid Releases Northeast 80x50 Pathway
National Grid, one of the nation’s largest investor-owned utilities, today released the “Northeast 80x50 Pathway,” a blueprint for drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 (“80x50”). The Pathway is the first of its kind in the Northeast.
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