Responsible Investing

Responsible Investing

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Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

AllianceBernstein on Responsible Lending: The Myth of the Perfect Investment
If building a sustainable bond portfolio sounds tidy and straightforward, it isn’t. The auto industry illustrates the difficulty of finding a perfectly sustainable private sector investment.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

AllianceBernstein: Municipal Impact Investing - Bonds That Transform Our Communities

Larry Bellinger: As impact investors, we certainly start with credit fundamental research. But in addition to that, we overlay this with specifically looking at bonds and how it transforms communities.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

How the Financial Industry Can Help Stop Modern Slavery
Forced labor, debt bondage and human trafficking victimize more than 40 million people worldwide each year.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

All Things Considered: A Framework for Assessing ESG-Labeled Bonds
Heightened demand for responsible investing has led to an explosion in issuance of ESG-labeled bonds such as green bonds, social bonds and sustainability-linked bonds.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

ESG Ratings: Solution or Starting Point?
ESG ratings are a popular way to search for companies that meet specific criteria in a responsible investing agenda. But third-party ratings don’t tell the whole story for investors seeking a comprehensive view of how ESG issues affect return potential.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

How Synthetic Biology Can Help Fix the Supply Chain Crisis
Synthetic biology is a revolutionary technology that could make a profound impact on the way a vast array of products are manufactured.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

All Things Considered: A Framework for Assessing ESG-labeled Bonds, From AllianceBernstein
Today’s bond market presents unique opportunities for responsible investing in the form of ESG-labeled bonds. These relative newcomers to the market can give their issuers an ESG halo and even lower their cost of debt.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

AllianceBernstein: Carbon Handprints: A New Approach to Climate-Focused Equity Investing
Investors are strengthening their commitment to help combat climate change. But as inflows to climate-focused funds accelerate, more questions are being asked about the investing approaches of these portfolios.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

AllianceBernstein: Understanding Your Bond Portfolio's Carbon Footprint
Transitioning to a net-zero carbon economy is vitally important, and corporate bonds will play a critical role in the transition.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

AllianceBernstein: SFDR Unpacked: What to Look for in Article 8 and 9 Portfolios
When SFDR’s level 2 requirements take effect, investors should focus on three issues: ESG research is integrated in investment processes, what engagement activity is conducted with issuers and whether a methodology is applied to classify portfolios.
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