Schneider Electric | Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Our mission is to help businesses meet their energy challenge -keep global warming below the 2°C limit- while achieving better operational efficiency. We put ethics and responsibility at the center of our interactions with our customers, partners and suppliers, employees, and the communities where we operate. We want to be a corporate citizen and a responsible employer. In new economies, we develop solutions to provide reliable energy to the 1.1 billion people that do not have access to energy. In mature economies, we address the hundreds of millions of people living in fuel poverty.

With Innovation at Every Level, we are redefining power and automation for a new world of energy. Learn how!

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Schneider Electric devient partenaire du Global Footprint Network pour repousser la date du Jour du dépassement de la terre
Schneider Electric et Global Footprint Network ont signé un accord global de partenariat pour encourager l’ensemble des habitants de la planète à faire reculer la date du Jour du Dépassement Mondiale- #movethedate du terme original en anglais - date à laquelle la demande de l'humanité pour les ressources naturelles annuelles dépasse la capacité de la planète les régénérer au long de l'année.


Schneider Electric anuncia parceria com Global Footprint Network para mover a data do Dia de sobrecarga da Terra.
Schneider Electric e Global Footprint Network assinaram uma parceria global para envolver as pessoas em todo o mundo para prorrogar a data do Dia de Sobrecarga da Terra - #movethedate do original em inglês - a data em que a demanda anual de recursos naturais pela humanidade excede a capacidade do de se regenerar ao longo de todo o ano.


Schneider Electric se asocia con Global Footprint Network para mover la fecha del día mundial del sobregiro ecológico
Schneider Electric y Global Footprint Network firmaron una alianza global para involucrar a personas de todo el mundo en el traslado de la fecha del sobregiro ecológico, la fecha en que la demanda anual de la humanidad sobre la naturaleza excede lo que la Tierra puede regenerar durante todo el año.


Schneider Electric Partners with Global Footprint Network to #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day
Schneider Electric and Global Footprint Network signed a global partnership to engage people around the world in moving the date of Earth Overshoot Day—the date when humanity’s annual demand on nature exceeds what Earth can regenerate over the entire year.

Sustainable Development Goals

Schneider Electric CEO: Regarding Climate, I Am Neither Optimistic Nor Pessimistic; I Am An Activist
The big picture is clear. It is our corporate duty to fight climate change brought on by carbon emissions. But we are running against the clock and we must act now. As the Paris climate agreement maps out, we must limit global warming to 2°C above preindustrial levels. Globally, that means cutting emissions in half by 2050.


How a Scorecard Can #Movethedate
The costs of global ecological overspending are becoming increasingly evident around the world, in the form of deforestation, drought, fresh-water scarcity, soil erosion, biodiversity loss, and the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But the trend can be reversed, if we moved Earth Overshoot Day back 4.5 days every year, we would return to using the resources of one planet by 2050. Global Footprint Network’s research team is able to work by calculating the number of days by which Earth Overshoot Day would move if the solutions they identified were implemented.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Towards a Circular Economy to #MoveTheDate
Across the globe, about 50 percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are tied to materials. The United Nations, for example, estimates that in 41.8 million tonnes (Mt) of electronic waste there is 16 Mt of iron, 1.9 Mt of copper and 300 tonnes of gold, plus other precious metals such as palladium, with a combined value of $52 billion. Therefore, the transition to a circular economy not only contributes to climate action, but can have significant economic benefits as well.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

VIDEO | Schneider Electric's 6 Environmental-Performance Priorities
By August 2, 2017, we will have used more from nature than our planet can renew in the whole year. Discover how Schneider Electric is determined to play a vital role in driving climate-compatible global economic growth. Learn more from Xavier Houot about Schneider’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, discover our green supply chain, Green Premium ecolabel, use of waste as worth, and circular economy strategy.

Research, Reports & Publications

INFOGRAPHIC | Envisioning a Sustainable Future by Solving Energy Paradox
Three megatrends are escalating energy demand, while approximately 2.3 billion people either don’t have access to electricity at all or don’t have reliable access to electricity. We are committed to solving this energy paradox.

Research, Reports & Publications

VIDEO | Schneider Electric’s Innovation: Our Journey to a Sustainable Future
According to International Energy Agency, by 2050 the energy consumption will increase by 50%, whilst 2,3 billion people with poor or no access to energy must be attended by 2030 to accomplish one of 17 Sustainable Developments Goals settled by United Nations, that aims to universalize the access to affordable and sustainable energy worldwide. Accomplishing both objectives must be aligned with another planetary goal to limit global warming up to 2 °C. Hear from Gilles Vermot Desroches, Senior Vice President Sustainability, how Schneider is closing the global energy gap.
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