Sea Change Radio Sustainability Innovators

Sea Change is a a nationally syndicated weekly radio show and podcast covering the shift to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. This is an ongoing series about sustainability innovators.

Content from this campaign


Gary Nabhan: Seeds of Change
Our guest this week on Sea Change Radio, Gary Nabhan, has taken the fight to the corporate seed merchants through the local food movement and seed saving community. The Director of the Center for Regional Food Studies at the University of Arizona, Nabhan believes that a healthy food system is a biodiverse food system.


Zoe Weil: Sustainable Education, Part II


Zoe Weil: Sustainable Education
What's the purpose of schooling? Reading, writing and 'rithmetic, right? Well, our guest today begs to differ.


Leaving The Station: John Rennie Short on Public Transit

Innovation & Technology

Alexandria Sage on Self-Driving Vehicles
The glamour of the limousine is undeniable - who wouldn't want to be shuttled about town without a care in the world? Traffic, parking, sobriety?


MIT Team Turning Fumes Into Fuel
You know that sick feeling when you look at a smokestack belching noxious gases into the air? Well, what if you knew that the gas waste coming from that smokestack was getting turned into a usable, liquid fuel? That’s the technology that an MIT professor, Gregory Stephanopoulos, and his colleagues are working on and so far, the results have been quite promising.


Desalination: Is It Time to Drink the Pacific?
Transforming ocean water into potable drinking water seems so remarkably cool on so many levels.


Methane Disdain
Along with the Affordable Care Act, the Clean Power Plan may end up being one of President Obama’s signature accomplishments. We learned recently, though, about the US Supreme Court’s potential role in determining the fate of the plan.


Tim Dickinson: Sunshine State In The Dark
Think about the sunniest states in the U.S. Florida, the place that calls itself “the sunshine state” is sure to come to mind. Indeed, the solar industry considers Florida to be the state with the third greatest rooftop solar potential in the country. So the place must be almost totally off the grid at this point, right? Well, no.


Alex Camacho: Supreme Court Climate
Sea Change Radio

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  1. Sea Change Radio Sustainability Innovators
    Sea Change is a a nationally syndicated weekly radio show and podcast covering the shift to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. This...