Smithfield Foods: Our Environment

Watch the video: Smithfield Foods 2016 Sustainability Report: Environment

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Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Smithfield Foods' Wilson, N.C. Facility Recognized with Manufacturing Leadership Award for Water Reduction Efforts
The facility successfully cut water use in half over two years through adjustments to equipment, modifications to daily procedures and the implementation of a wastewater re-use program.


Smithfield Foods and RAE Partner to Produce Renewable Energy while Restoring Missouri’s Natural Environment
Smithfield Foods, Inc. and Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) have formed a joint venture called Monarch Bioenergy to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) across Smithfield’s hog farms in Missouri. This partnership converts manure collected from Smithfield farms into RNG, while simultaneously delivering ecological services and developing wildlife habitat. Once complete, all Smithfield company-owned finishing farms in Missouri will have the infrastructure to produce RNG, resulting in approximately 1.3 million dekatherms of RNG annually, which is the equivalent to eliminating 130,000 gasoline vehicles.

Responsible Production & Consumption

United Wind and Smithfield Foods Announce 3MW WindLease™ Agreement
United Wind, the nation's leading distributed wind energy developer, announced today it has signed an agreement with Smithfield Foods, Inc., a global food company and the world's largest hog producer and pork processor, to power dozens of Smithfield hog farms in Colorado with on-site wind energy.


Smithfield Foods Achieves Industry-Leading Environmental Commitment by Engaging Grain Supply Chain in Sustainable Farming Practices
Smithfield Foods, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has successfully engaged 80 percent of its grain supply chain, which is used to feed the company’s hogs, in farming practices that are both sustainable and reduce the cost of production for grain farmers. This exceeded the company’s original goal of 75 percent. In 2018, Smithfield purchased grain from producers who use efficient fertilizer and soil health methods across approximately 560,000 acres of land.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Smithfield Foods Donates $25,000 to Expand Environmental Sustainability Research
The Smithfield Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Smithfield Foods, Inc., is pleased to announce a donation of $25,000 to continue its partnership with the University of Minnesota’s NorthStar Initiative for Sustainable Enterprise (NorthStar), a nonprofit research entity that aims to improve the understanding of sustainability within global production and consumption systems, and to develop research and tools to improve the sustainability of these systems.


Smithfield Foods Collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund and Roeslein Alternative Energy Helps Bring Monarch Butterflies Back in Large Numbers
Smithfield Foods, Inc. is the first food company to participate in a new program with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) to restore key prairie habitat for monarch butterflies, as described in this video. Their efforts are helping bring back the iconic insect, which has experienced a 95 percent population decline since the 1980s and could be listed as a threatened species in June 2019. However, the monarch is currently undergoing what is anticipated to be the largest migration in 10 years.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Smithfield Foods Marks Significant Step Toward Zero-Waste-to-Landfill in North Carolina
Smithfield Foods, Inc. is pleased to announce a key step toward achieving zero-waste-to-landfill status across its North Carolina processing facilities. Smithfield will achieve this goal with support from its newest partner, Waste Connections, in a first-of-its-kind collaboration between a food company and waste services provider. The project will create a recycling facility that processes materials specifically from food production facilities. This project is part of Smithfield’s companywide sustainability initiative to reduce solid waste to landfills 10 percent by 2020 across all locations and its goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25 percent by 2025 throughout its supply chain.


Smithfield Foods Honors Employees and Facilities with Environmental and Sustainability Awards
Smithfield Foods, Inc. has honored multiple facilities and employees with Environmental and Sustainability Awards, recognizing efforts that helped Smithfield save more than 1.1 billion gallons of water, more than 8.8 million kilowatts of electricity, and more than 21.1 million pounds of solid waste generation in 2017.


Smithfield Foods Sponsors Scholarships for North America’s Largest Environmental Education Program
Smithfield Foods, Inc., announced its donation of scholarship awards for the National Conservation Foundation’s (NCF) 2018 International Envirothon Competition where 250 high school students compete in teams to demonstrate their environmental knowledge and problem-solving skills.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Smithfield Foods Earns National Honors for Sustainability Achievements

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