Weekly Highlights

Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization and their recent activity as monitored by SHQ.

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Content from this campaign

Events, Media & Communications

Barclays Researchers on "Green Bonds": Small-but-Steady Performance Benefits Possible, With Little Evidence of Negative Impact
The investment community -- especially fiduciaries -- continues to have a flow of more "green" products being made available from a growing number of issuers and their intermediaries; these include "green bonds." Charting this trend, a team of Barclays managers and researchers issued a report as part of the "Barclays Impact Series." Their findings: ESG investing can have a positive effect on portfolios for institutional and individual investors. There are small-but-steady performance benefits and no evidence of a negative impact for such investing.

Events, Media & Communications

Quo Vadis on Sustainability Issues in 2017 -- As a New Administration & New Congress Come to Town?
Are you holding your breath after the November elections? Wondering where corporate sustainability or sustainable investing goes from here? What our public sector positioning may be on issues of importance to the corporate or capital markets communities?

Events, Media & Communications

Investors Put Their Money on ESG/Sustainability, US SIF Survey Tells Us. And the Business Sector Says Let’s Keep Moving Toward the Low-Carbon Economy in 2017!
For the past two years a few data points / narratives stood out in conversations about making the sustainable investing case: “$1-in-$6 in Assets Under (professional) Management; $6 trillion-plus; 12% and more of the total equity AUM. Hey – there are important new references points now to use, courtesy of the U.S. Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment (US SIF) and the SIF Foundation, and SIF/Croatan Institute research team. These findings come from the report just released by US SIF: “Report on US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends 2016.”

Events, Media & Communications

President Elect Donald Trump - What Does it Mean for ESG?
The voters have spoken; their decision is known. It may not have been the news that was expected, or hoped for, but the Office of the President of the United States of America is now in transition.

Events, Media & Communications

For Finance/Investing Professionals: "ESG" in Focus in All Day Workshop Hosted at Baruch College/CUNY
The interest in sustainable investing continues to rise in the mainstream investment community. Numerous data & analytics providers, ratings & rankings organizations, and other influentials are busily shaping new approaches in and for the mainstream investment community. Corporate “ESG” factors are an important addition to the ubiquitous Bloomberg terminals, as example (i.e. the ESG Dashboard). Mainstream asset managers -- notably BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, State Street, and others -- are putting sustainable investment approaches in place and launching new products for clients that are demanding “investable” vehicles for “doing well and doing good” with their assets.

Events, Media & Communications

Important Sustainability Events & Trainings
An important part of the G&A Institute mission since our founding a decade ago is to help educate, inform and share critical information related to the above topics and positions. As an example we work closely with Skytop Strategies on many events such as the ESG Summit, 21st Century Company, and Future of Corporate Reporting that educate and inform on these subjects. We'd like to tell you about a few of our most recent initiatives in these areas.

Events, Media & Communications

Important News: New GRI Standard for Corporate Reporting Released to Replace GRI G4
The most commonly used sustainability reporting standard for corporate and institutional reporting on an organization’s economic, environmental and social/societal impacts - The Global Reporting Initiative's (“GRI”) framework - has now moved from the fourth generation (G4) to the new modular GRI Standards. The titles of these corporate reports prepared using the GRI approach to disclosure carry varying titles: Corporate Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship, Environmental Stewardship, and more.

Events, Media & Communications

FILLING A NEED – On-Line Training for Managers Seeking CSR Certificate
At G&A Institute we regularly partner with colleges and universities to provide managers in all sectors(business, social, public sectors) with learning experiences to help advance their careers in key fields.

Events, Media & Communications

“Energy” and Its Materiality in Your Enterprise Shared Perspectives From an Industry Expert
In the pages of our newsletters over time there are many mentions of “materiality,” and how this applies (especially) in corporate sustainability, ESG, CSR and so on. “What” is material – and “how” do we report on that?

Events, Media & Communications

Global Supply Chains and the Necessity Of Making Operations Safer, More Sustainable
Savvy corporate managements recognize that the supply chain of their company represents a huge opportunity for cost savings, more efficient management of procurement, and the extension of important health & safety practices beyond their own operations.

More from Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc.

  1. Weekly Highlights
    Highlighting the top news, commentary, and research for the week coming from SHQ. The highlights newsletter also spotlights one profiled organization...
  2. Sustainability - What Matters?
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