TCS | Digital Empowers

As one of the World Economic Forum’s longstanding Strategic Partners, Tata Consultancy Services is committed to harnessing the power of digital technologies to create a fairer, more inclusive society. We strongly believe digital technologies serve as both a vital and dynamic force for good. Digital is already empowering communities across the world. Technology is helping women in rural areas of India and Africa learn to read and write. Drones are helping to save endangered animals and protect forests in Europe. Children are being encouraged to get healthy and active, and to become the next generation of innovators through the study of STEM subjects. Digital is leading the way to consistently improve peoples’ lives.

Launched at Davos 2017, #DigitalEmpowers celebrates the crucial role technology plays in improving our world. We invite you to learn more, and encourage you to share your own stories of how digital has empowered you, your company, your community or your country.

If you would like to contribute or engage with the Digital Empowers campaign, please contact us at

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

How Do You Hire for the Jobs of the Future?
How do you hire or prepare for a job that does not exist yet? Technology will continue to impact the employment landscape, dictating the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow.

Events, Media & Communications

DON'T MISS: Digital Empowers Presents The Workplace Transformed
To solve our most pressing societal challenges, technological innovations lie at the heart of enabling positive social change.
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