Water Stewardship

Implement holistic water strategies across all facilities prioritizing manufacturing plants and​ communities in high-risk watersheds. Enable millions of people access to clean water through leadership in advancing water technology and enacting strategic partnerships.

Content from this campaign

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

DuPont Funds Groundwater Treatment Solution for Rural South African Community
In celebration of World Water Day, DuPont announced a partnership with Kusini Water, the City of Mbombela Municipality and the U.S. Embassy on a new project that will leverage solar power to extract and purify groundwater in the rural community of Cairn site farm in South Africa.


DuPont and Water.org Partner to Increase Global Access to Safe Water
DuPont and Water.org have partnered to increase global access to safe water, with a focus on communities most vulnerable to the consequences of water scarcity.
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More from DuPont

  1. DuPont Sustainability Report
    DuPont publishes an annual Sustainability Report detailing progress on our ESG strategy and 2030 Sustainability Goals. View full report here.
  2. Acting on Climate
    Reduce Green House Gas (GHGs) emissions 30% including sourcing 60% of electricity from renewable energy and deliver carbon neutral operations by 2050.
  3. Water Stewardship
    Implement holistic water strategies across all facilities prioritizing manufacturing plants and​ communities in high-risk watersheds. Enable millions...
  4. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
    Become one of the world’s most inclusive companies, with diversity well ahead of industry benchmarks.
  5. Innovations for Global Challenges
    Align 100% of the DuPont innovation portfolio to meaningfully advance the UN SDGs and create value for our customers.
  6. Building Thriving Communities
    Improve over 100 million lives through targeted social impact programs.
  7. Employee Well-Being
    Create a workplace where employees report high levels of well-being and fulfillment.
  8. World-Class Health & Safety
    Further our commitment to zero: injuries, occupational illnesses, and incidents.
  9. Safer by Design
    Design 100% of our products and processes using sustainability criteria including the principles of green chemistry.
  10. Circular Economy
    Integrate circular economy principles into our business models considering lifecycle impacts in the markets we serve.