We Give Books Global

At Pearson, our reading programmes – both print and digital – are found in classrooms the world over. And, for many, the first story that they read or that is read aloud to them will be a Penguin title. But we can, and do, do a lot more - we run projects and campaigns to promote reading and to give books, increasingly in conjunction with our preferred charity partner, the Pearson Foundation.
In 2012:
- We'll give our 8 millionth book under our Booktime programme, which sees every child in England starting school receive a book pack containing two free books from Penguin and Pearson Primary to take home, read and keep.
- We have donated over 1 million books to Book Aid International, the charity that supports the development of libraries in schools and local communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
- And in just over a year since launch, the target of 1 million books donated through We Give Books - the innovative online partnership between Penguin and the Pearson Foundation - has been smashed.
Through our products and partnerships, we aim to make a difference to raising literacy levels around the world, helping people to learn to read and to enjoy reading.