ZLI's Beached Campaign

ZLI's Beached Campaign combats bigotry in wildlife conservation and the sciences.
Taking the iconic imagery of beaked whales, capable of adapting to environmental
conditions in the deepest oceans and at the surface alike, ZLIs Beached Campaign
seeks to foster appreciation of diversity and to encourage more inclusive approaches
to protecting animals and environments around the globe. ZLI's Beached Campaign
is particularly concerned with the homogenizing effects of artificial light in the environment (ALAN).
Not only does monotonous standardization of ALAN water down diverse cultural heritages,
by masking the physical world in a less complex haze and so preventing direct engagement with nature,
ALAN directly and indirectly contributes to the loss of animals and the natural resource heritages of all communities.
ZLI's Beached Campaign seeks sponsors and donations to help fund research, offer educational and
entertainment programming, create wildlife advocacy media and to create international partnerships
serving a global and optimistic vision of the future.