Companies Sourcing Sustainable Timber: WWF-UK Report

by Vikas Vij
Jul 27, 2015 9:00 AM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs


Timber is commonly used in indoor and outdoor furniture in homes and offices, flooring and decorative products, and toys and musical instruments. Innovative technologies involve the use of timber in diverse products such as composites for construction, pharmaceuticals, bio-plastics, and liquid bio-fuels. Sustainably managed timber sourcing can help to reduce carbon dioxide levels, support forest-dependent communities, and protect biodiversity and other ecosystem services.

A new report by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), called the WWF-UK 2015 Timber Scorecard, looks into how companies in the UK are sourcing timber. The report reveals encouraging trends in sustainable sourcing of timber in the country, with many companies making concerted efforts to move towards a zero-deforestation future.

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Image Credit: Flickr via JulieK

Vikas is a staff writer for the Sustainable Development news and editorial section on Justmeans. He is an MBA with 20 years of managerial and entrepreneurial experience and global travel. He is the author of "The Power of Money" (Scholars, 2003), a book that presents a revolutionary monetary economic theory on poverty alleviation in the developing world. Vikas is also the official writer for an international social project for developing nations "Decisions for Life" run in collaboration between the ILO, the University of Amsterdam and the Indian Institute of Management.