Consumers Still Purchasing, But May Not Be "Buying" Companies' Environmental Claims
Most Americans Don’t Believe Companies Are Addressing All Environmental Impacts

(3BL Media) Boston - March 27, 2012 - Eight-in-ten Americans don’t believe companies are addressing all of their environmental impacts, and only 44 percent trust companies’ green claims. This skepticism may even affect sales. In fact, as many as 77 percent would be willing to boycott if misled, according to the 2012 Cone Green Gap Trend Tracker.
Cradle to Grave – Consumers Expect it All
American consumers expect companies to address the full environmental impact of a product’s lifecycle, from the impacts associated with manufacturing the product (90%), to using it (88%), to disposing of it (89%). And although 69 percent of American consumers routinely or sometimes consider the environment when making a purchasing decision, they are influenced most by end-of-life messages, followed by other factors:
- 42% say they are most influenced by messaging related to the environmental impact of disposing of a product
- 33% say they are most influenced by messaging related to the environmental impact of using a product
- 25% say they are most influenced by messaging related to the environmental impact of manufacturing a product
“The emphasis on disposal is not surprising considering it’s an area in which consumers feel they have a responsibility and have control over what they do with products after use,” says Jonathan Yohannan, Cone Communications’ executive vice president of corporate responsibility. “However, what most consumers don’t know is that for many product categories, disposal may represent the least significant aspect of a product’s impact. There’s an opportunity for companies to reframe the discussion and educate consumers about what they’re doing to reduce a product’s impacts across the supply chain.”
Communication at a Crossroads – The Onus is on Companies
Consumers are less inclined to do their own homework on the environmental impacts of a company’s products. Instead, 73 percent of consumers want companies to provide more environmental information on the product packaging to help inform their shopping decisions. And the majority of consumers (71%) wish companies would do a better job helping them understand the environmental terms they use to talk about their products and services.
Further clarity is needed because more than half of consumers continue to erroneously believe that common environmental marketing terms such as “green” or “environmentally friendly” mean a product has a positive (36%) or neutral (18%) impact on the environment. Fewer consumers were able to correctly identify these terms as meaning the product has a lighter impact than other similar products (25%) or less than it used to (3%).
The messages consumers want most, it seems, are those that are precise. When purchasing a product with an environmental benefit, consumers cited a symbol or certification (81%) and a message with specific data or outcomes (80%) as most influential in their decision to buy. For 73 percent, a more general environmental statement, such as “uses less water,” is influential.
“Companies are making great strides in setting and achieving environmental goals, but if they are not communicating to consumers in a highly visible way – including the precious on-pack or in-store real estate – the messages may not get through,” says Yohannan. “Consumers are listening, but they are not necessarily seeking out this type of information. The onus is on companies to actively provide it in language and places the consumer will understand.”
Breaking Through Barriers – Cash is Still King
Green stigmas persist when it comes to consumers’ decisions not to purchase products with an environmental benefit. Forty-two percent of Americans have been discouraged from buying because they believed it cost more than the traditional product, and a third believed the environmentally preferred product would not be of equal quality. Other barriers include:
- 27% say they didn’t trust the environmental claim on the product
- 23% say the product was difficult to find
- 16% say the product design was unattractive
Concerns over cost can deter consumers, but cash savings can also drive purchases. Nine-in-10 consumers say they are motivated to buy an environmental product because it will save them time or money in the long-run. Other motivations are more aspirational. Eighty-eight percent say they are inspired to buy environmental products because it’s healthier for themselves, their families or their communities, and 85 percent want to preserve the environment for future generations.
“As we’ve seen maturity in the green space, the majority of American consumers are saying this is still an expectation, and now the opportunity for companies is to continue to educate them and stay engaged,” says Yohannan. “Now is the time to tell stories and connect the dots about the full impact of a product and the consumer’s role in the process.”
For a copy of the survey fact sheet, please visit
About the Research:
The 2012 Cone Green Gap Trend Tracker presents the findings of an online survey conducted February 23-27, 2012 by ORC International among a demographically representative sample of 1,019 adults, comprising 517 men and 502 women 18 years of age and older. The margin of error associated with a sample of this size is ± 3% at a 95% level of confidence. Some figures may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding.
About Cone Communications:
Cone Communications ( is a public relations and marketing agency known for igniting brands with high-impact strategies and programs based in deep insights, unique subject matter expertise and innovation. Focusing on key areas such as consumer product media relations, social media, cause branding and marketing, corporate responsibility, nonprofit marketing, corporate communications and crisis prevention/management, the agency is positioned to help clients achieve both business and societal outcomes. Cone Communications is a part of the Omnicom Group (NYSE: OMC) (
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