D&I Weekly News Round Up: Accessibility, Mental Health and More
By Caroline Berns

Originally published by Ericsson
Mental health
How can we improve mental health in the workplace? The new Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being from U.S. Surgeon General outlines Five Essentials that companies can use to create a healthy workplace culture.
Gender equality
A few days ago, the European Parliament adopted a new EU law that requires publicly-traded companies to ensure better gender balance on corporate boards. A minimum of 40% of non-executive director positions, or 33% of all director positions, need to be filled by women by the end of June 2026. Read more here.
Women in leadership
The “Reykjavík Index for Leadership” from Kantar Public was first launched in 2018 and measures society’s perceptions of men’s and women’s suitability to lead. According to new data, trust in women leaders has significantly declined in the past year.
Inclusion & tech
Ahead of the International Day of People with Disabilities on December 3rd, Apple released “The Greatest”, a new campaign about accessibility. Worth watching!