D&I Weekly News Round Up: Bias, LGBTQ+ and More

Originally published by Ericsson.
Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round-Up. Today we are talking about kindness bias, the four-day workweek, students building a robotic hand for a classmate, and a campaign against “conversion therapy”.
World of work
Around the world, there are lots of four-day workweek pilots happening. Insightful article about the latest results - and the limitations.
Interesting research about kindness bias! According to various studies, women are given kinder feedback than men when discussing work performance. But what does that mean for their development? Read more here.
Great story from Tennessee! Students at a high school changed the life of a new classmate by building him a robotic hand. Watch the video.
“Conversion therapy” (supposed to “cure” LGBTQ+ people) is currently still legal in the UK. This powerful short film from The&Partnership, together with over 20 LGBTQ+ charities, depicts the abuse a trans person faces during such “therapy”.