D&I Weekly News Round Up: Equal Pay, LGBTQ+ and More
By Caroline Berns Head of Diversity & Inclusion and Talent Acquisition, MMEA

Originally published by Ericsson
Equal pay
The State of California just passed a bill on pay transparency, that would require companies to disclose salary ranges on their job listings. It would also impose reporting requirements on companies with more than 100 employees, who would have to show pay scales by gender, race and ethnicity. Read more here.
Gender equality
A new report, published this week by UN Women and UN DESA (the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs), highlights that the goal of achieving gender equality (SDG 5) will not be met by 2030. The report also warns that, at the current rate of progress, it might take close to 300 years to achieve full gender equality.
Peppa Pig, the worldwide popular children’s TV show, has just introduced its first same-sex parent family. It features Penny Polar Bear and her two mothers – Doctor Polar Bear and Mummy Polar Bear.
Gender stereotypes
I love this short video about “Ethiopian Girl Skaters” - a group of skater girls from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, challenging gender stereotypes.