D&I Weekly News Round Up: Girls' Empowerment, Bias and More
By Caroline Berns

Originally published by Ericsson
Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round Up. Today we are talking about a school designed for girls, a study about women and confidence, the latest trends in the world of work, and AI in recruitment.
World of work
Excellent round-up from the World Economic Forum with the latest trends in the world of work, with lots of insights about well-being, work-life, flexibility – and a report showing that companies in the US are cutting back again on parental leave.
According to a new paper from Cambridge University, AI hiring tools do not improve diversity, or reduce bias in the recruitment process. Interesting read!
Women at work
Interesting (small) study looking at how self-confidence in women (either the lack of, or seemingly too much) is being misused to explain why women don’t progress in their careers. Read more here.
Girls’ empowerment
If you are interested in architecture, you might enjoy this video. Acclaimed architect Diana Kellogg is the designer of Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School, a school based in India’s Thar Desert. In a region with very high female infanticide and illiteracy rates, the building was designed to empower girls and celebrate female strength.