D&I Weekly News Round Up: Inclusive Hiring, Well-Being and More
By Caroline Berns

Originally published by Ericsson
Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round up. Today we are talking about Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, the midway results from UK’s four-day work week experiment, why D&I initiatives should focus on changing systems and not people, and a new campaign to remove barriers for workers who were skilled through alternative routes.
Very interesting HBR article about the backlash corporate D&I initiatives can face – and what steps companies can take to avoid backlash, for example by focusing on changing systems, instead of individuals.
In a large-scale experiment that started three months ago, over 70 companies in the UK moved to a four-day work week – and the results have been so promising, that many firms have already confirmed that they will continue with the scheme after the pilot ends.
Equal pay
The 21st of September marked Black Women’s Equal Pay Day in the US – meaning it took Black women over nine additional months to close the pay gap with White men. Read more here.
Inclusive hiring
“Tear the Paper Ceiling” is a new campaign from various organizations and companies (including Google and IBM) in the US to remove barriers for workers without a bachelor’s degree. The initiative encourages employers to allow upwards mobility for workers who were skilled through alternative routes (including community colleges, bootcamps or on-the-job learning). Watch the video.