D&I Weekly News Round Up: Mental Health, Bias and More
Welcome to the latest edition of our Diversity & Inclusion News Round up. Today we are talking about nudges to remove bias in recruiting, Chief Remote Officers, CEO communication styles, and a PSA about toxic positivity.

Originally published by Ericsson.
Women in leadership
How do women CEOs communicate differently from men CEOs – and how have the styles changed since the beginning of the pandemic? Researchers looked at the language of almost 7000 leaders from over 5000 companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index. Read more here.
Interesting HBR article about six behavioural nudges companies can implement to reduce bias during the hiring and promotion process, and improve diversity.
Future of work
In the past two years, we have seen a shift in how and where we work. Some companies moved to hybrid or remote working in an ad-hoc way – other companies have created entire teams and roles around this, including a new role, the “Chief Remote Officer”. Read more here.
Mental health
“Seize the Awkward” is an initiative from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and The Jed Foundation (together with the Ad Council), encouraging young people to look after each other. A new public service announcement was just published – talking about toxic positivity and the risk of “good vibes only” messages. Watch the video!