D&I Weekly News Round Up: Parental Leave, Disability Inclusion and More
By Caroline Berns

Originally published by Ericsson
Parental leave
In 2019, male employees at JPMorgan won a $5 Million settlement in a lawsuit over parental leave discrimination. The bank has now announced that it will be giving 16 weeks of parental leave, as well as various other family-related benefits to all its employees.
Women at work
Interesting interview with Deb Liu, the CEO of the genealogy platform Ancestry. Deb Liu speaks about her career in tech, and the challenges she has been facing (and women face in general).
The 23rd of November 2022 was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and a report from the UN showed that femicide is at an all-time high. As per the UN figures, in 2021, more than five women or girls were killed every hour by someone in their own family.
Disability inclusion
Last year, ESA (the European Space Agency) announced that with its new astronaut intake, the agency would also include applicants with physical disabilities. This week, it selected the world’s first astronaut with a disability - former British Paralympic sprinter John McFall. Read more here.