Diversity in Advertising: Kimberly-Clark Leverages Social to Spur Greater Inclusiveness

This article originally appeared on emarketer.com
eMarketer: Can you give a specific example of a campaign that has embraced diversity where social media was instrumental in its success?
Williams: Our Kleenex “Gesture of Care” program, which we’re in our second year of, is a great example. Before the campaign launched, Kleenex was experiencing years of decline. We saw an opportunity to reposition Kleenex from a simple cold and flu wipe to an everyday gesture of care.
We created a video campaign to tell the stories of real people, showing real acts of connection. These include stories of an LGBT couple who finally got the right to marry, a blind cellist who finally got the glasses he needed, a Navajo family who raised money to get clean water to their reservation, and a group of African-American students honoring their former chorus teacher.