Employees Host Events in October To Support Those Affected by Breast Cancer

Originally published on Aramark.com
During Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Aramark employees across the company joined events designed to raise awareness about and support people affected by breast cancer.
The efforts were led by Community Relations and Aramark’s EMPOWER employee resource group (ERG), which works to drive leadership and development opportunities through the connection and engagement of women.
“We planned activities through the month that would be engaging—and would help us raise awareness, educate our employees, and show support for people impacted by breast cancer,” said Jami Leveen, Vice President of Community Relations.
On three consecutive Wednesdays, employees were encouraged to wear pink clothing to work and given the opportunity to write notes of support to women facing breast cancer across the United States.
Pink is the color of the recognizable ribbons that honor survivors and those lost to the disease and support the progress being made to defeat breast cancer.
Employees participated in a month-long card-writing campaign benefitting the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).
These cards of encouragement were included in HOPE Kits for women recently diagnosed with breast cancer and healthcare professionals who work to provide support and treatment.
A virtual Wellness Wednesday event was held October 26 hosted by Yarvell Gardner, Aramark’s Employee Assistance Program counselor. Gardner discussed the effects of a breast cancer diagnosis on individuals and loved ones, explored common emotions and responses, discussed how to navigate the challenges that become part of day-to-day life, and reviewed strategies for maximizing the quality of life after a breast cancer diagnosis.
“We all know someone—a wife, a sister, a mother, a friend—who has been impacted by breast cancer,” said Brandi Heatherly, EMPOWER Co-Chair. “It is so important that we continue to raise awareness, educate, and support the people whose lives it has touched.”
EMPOWERing Equality and Leadership
EMPOWER is Aramark’s largest and oldest ERG with more than 1,500 members globally.
Since its formation in 2011, EMPOWER ERG has worked throughout the years to accelerate the advancement of women leaders through an annual symposium, development workshops, mentoring and networking opportunities, and community outreach while also advocating action for women in the workplace and beyond.