Fly Women: An Interview with JetBlue's Tamar Ehrenreich

For Women’s History Month, JetBlue and the JetBlue Foundation are teaming up to profile some of the airline’s amazing female crewmembers with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) backgrounds who are leaving their mark on the industry. In this spotlight, we are highlighting Tamar Ehrenreich, Developer Front End.
1. What sparked your interest in aviation? When did your interest in STEM begin?
I was always very curious about how things work. Who makes traffic lights and stop signs? How do factories work? What is electricity?
2. What responsibilities does job entail? What does an average day look like?
Together with my team, we help deliver new features to customer facing products. Business requirements need to be gathered, designs created, and relevant code composed. We use teamwork and effective communication, creativity, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving skills to deliver our customer-facing products.
3. What kind of obstacles have you faced getting to where you are now?
[I learned that you] need to be a go-getter, advocate for yourself.
4. What milestones have you already reached or are you currently moving towards?
I have led a number or projects here at JetBlue, and I look forward to proportional growth and recognition.
5. If you could go back and tell your younger version of yourself one thing, what would it be?
I took a bit of risks to get to where I am today. I would encourage myself to take those risks again, step outside of my comfort zone a bit, and know my value.
6. How has JetBlue affected you and the work that you do?
I enjoy the kind culture we have here at JetBlue. Being a caring airline provider flows into our company culture too. I think our niche in the airline market helps us recognize the value in every individual, not just the shiny bits.
7. What advice you do have for someone who wants to be in your role or a STEM career field?
Take college slowly, especially since a master's degree in our field is not a requirement. The job market is very wide right now, so as soon as the skills are gained, doors will be open. In addition to theory learned in school, spend time working on projects, internships, and skills before rushing to graduate.
8. Why do you think girls/women are underrepresented in aviation and STEM?
I think the field is misrepresented. It sometimes comes across as black-and-white and potentially not as social. In actuality, the field is tremendously wide and varied, extremely colorful and creative, and particularly collaborative.
9. How can we get more girls interested in STEM?
We need to introduce woman to the field at a younger age. Everyone should be exposed to basic and varied STEM education. This can include intro to building websites, intro to robotics, and a general survey of the many opportunities in the STEM field.
About the JetBlue Foundation: The JetBlue Foundation seeks out programs focusing on communities traditionally under-represented in STEM and aviation fields including women, minority groups and veterans. Beyond just grants, the JetBlue Foundation provides in-kind support, mentoring, internships and more to make a difference for the next generation of aviators, dispatchers, aircraft mechanics and pilots. Over the past five years, the JetBlue Foundation has built ongoing relationships with more than 70 aviation and STEM-focused programs and provided over $1.2 million in grants to help these programs take off and soar. For more information on the JetBlueFoundation, visit