Generating Renewable Energy from Waste: Q&A with Lockheed Martin’s Craig Moeller
by Alyssa Danigelis

Originally published on Environmental Leader
In a time when landfills are reaching capacity and waste generation doesn’t appear to be slowing down, Craig Moeller sees opportunity. The director of advanced energy generation for Lockheed Martin is working to take unwanted materials and convert them into useful energy, without producing enormous amounts of greenhouse gases.
In March 2016, Lockheed Martin announced the consolidation of its various efforts into a new line of business called Lockheed Martin Energy, which Moeller leads. Their main areas of focus are energy management, energy storage, nuclear systems, tidal energy, and bioenergy.
Moeller will be speaking about the future of waste management the 2017 Environmental Leader Conference next month. Recently we caught up with him to learn more about how his division at Lockheed Martin is working to turn waste into energy.
What does your work at Lockheed Martin Energy entail?
I have a portfolio of all the things that Lockheed Martin is doing to generate alternative advanced energy methods. That includes waste-to-energy — municipal waste and biomass. We’re looking at hospital waste and potentially even sludge. The focus is on developing electricity from that waste. Another part of my portfolio is marine energy — energy generation through currents, tidal flows, river rapids.