Going the Distance: Foster Care Adoption Finalized after 10 Years

Sometimes the adoption process seems like a never-ending journey, but here at the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption we believe it is always worth it.
These siblings joined their forever family shortly after they were born, but were officially adopted just last month! After more than eight and 10 years, respectively, in foster care, Kailyn and Jonathan now officially share their parents' last name! Their smiles say it all.
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption provides funds to adoption agencies in the US and Canada. We do that through our signature program called Wendy’s Wonderful Kids. The agencies hire adoption recruiters, who are trained by the Foundation in our Child-Focused Recruitment Model, to work with the children most at risk of aging out of foster care. This includes older children, children with special needs and sibling groups like Kailyn and Jonathan. #ItsWorthIt
To learn more about foster care adoption or to support our mission, visit davethomasfoundation.org