Goldcorp is Providing Lifelong Learning for Employees
Sep 24, 2014 3:20 PM ET
Together, Creating Sustainable Value

Goldcorp 2013 Sustainability Report
At Goldcorp, we recognize the value of empowering our employees through continuous education. One special program developed with this in mind is the literacy program at Marlin in Guatemala. The training was the result of a project for the Supervisory Leadership Development Program (SLDP). In 2010, Oziel Orozco, an SLDP student, saw the opportunity to create a program that would fulfill a need in a country where the literacy rate for adults is 76%. This kicked off Marlin’s literacy program, which now provides training in reading and writing to employees from the local communities.
In 2013, we graduated 24 students from the ten-month program, who received a certificate from Guatemala’s Ministry of Education. Silvana Lossi, the Human Resources Manager at Marlin who oversees the development of employees at site, commented on the effects of this training. “Literacy represents an opportunity to strengthen one’s personal development. Being able to read and write allows these employees to dive into new things. The students had pushed themselves and put their hearts into reaching their goal.”
During a graduation ceremony held at site, Christian Roldan, Mine General Manager for Marlin, addressed the students completing the training. “What you have learned here, no one can take away from you.” As Roldan pointed out, Growing People is one of our strategic pillars at Goldcorp, so offering our employees such opportunities is fundamental to how we operate.
Being able to read and write contributes to the personal and professional success of the employee, who is now able to understand signage and procedures. “By taking advantage of the confidence [the mine management] placed in us, we have developed with learning,” said one of the graduating students, as he expressed thanks for the support offered to students throughout the process.
As Patricia Gomez, Training Manager for Marlin, stated: “It’s so satisfying to see how this opens a door for them, and it will definitely help them to be better in their areas of work. Literacy is a special treasure that needs to be preserved.”
We strive to encourage and empower all employees to achieve their full potential.
Learn more about Goldcorp's commitment to it's people in the 2013 Sustainability Report: