Mars Named One of the World’s Most Reputable Companies by Forbes
by Andy Pharoah

Mars isn’t big on tooting our own horn. We don’t like to boast and that’s the way it’s been for more than a century. All along, we’ve been pleased to let our brands – from M&M’S®, Snickers® and Extra®, to Pedigree® Royal Canin®, Banfield Pet Hospital® and Uncle Ben’s®-- speak for themselves. But after much discussion and even some disagreement, we made a conscious decision to start sharing our story.
Why the shift? Because we recognized there were a number of significant challenges – economic, societal and environmental – that we could positively impact by speaking up. We also recognized that in order to achieve the business success we want over the long term in a “disrupt or be disrupted” world, people needed to know who we were. They already knew our products, but too many didn’t know anything about Mars…good, bad or indifferent. They needed to get to know us as a company that’s equally as distinct and attractive as our brands.
When we do talk about our actions, we’re careful not to do it cavalierly. We share in a way that’s authentic and honest. There can’t be a gap between what we say and what we do. We can’t cherry pick the easy conversations and shy away from when those that make us uncomfortable. We must take informed stances on issues, then back our positions with example. We also can’t outsource reputation building. It’s not a campaign…it’s a long-term collaborative process across our entire business, backed by the reality of our brands and who we really are as a company.
Now, with our first RT100 ranking under our belt, we’ll certainly take a moment to celebrate. And then we’ll get back to the business of walking the talk.
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