New Campaign Gives Recycling a Push

Jul 15, 2013 7:45 PM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs
Image credit: KBA


(3BL Media/Justmeans) - Recycling is probably the best-known, most mainstream green concept. However, despite being a staple of everyday parlance, we still recycle much less that we should.

It may come to as a surprise to many, but in the United States, the country that produces most trash per capita in the world, only 35 percent of the total amount (250 million annual tons) is recycled, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This means that for every 4.4 pounds of trash produced by an average American every day, only 1.54 pounds is forwarded into a new cycle of usefulness.

Perhaps such dismal figures have something to do with public awareness. The results of a recent research released by the Ad Council found that only 52 percent of Americans say that they are "very" or "extremely" knowledgeable about how to properly recycle. Another 38 percent say they are "avid recyclers," recycling as much as possible and willing to go out of their way to do so. Respondents cited lack of information about where to recycle and what types of materials that can be recycled as two of the factors that stop them from recycling more.

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Antonio Pasolini is a Corporate Social Responsibility writer for Justmeans, Antonio Pasolini is a journalist based in Brazil who writes about alternative energy, green living and sustainability. He also edits, a top web destination for news and comment on renewable energy and, a recycled paper bag/magazine distributed from health food stores in London, formerly his hometown for over a decade. He is also a happy herbivore.