SAP Technology Helps Coffee Farmers Deal With Climate Change
by Antonio Pasolini

Climate change is already happening and affecting all types of industries world over. Agriculture is particularly vulnerable, as coffee farmers in South America can attest.
In that part of the world, the consequences of weather chaos on coffee plantations is already wreaking havoc with crops and, consequently, the livelihoods of those people who depend on it to earn their bread.
Plagues such as coffee rust and drought are some of the challenges being faced by producers in that part of the world.
But technology could help those farmers cope better with this new climate reality. According to a report in Fast Company magazine, the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia and SAP, a provider of software solutions, are developing technology solutions to empower those small producers with fast access to information that could save them time and make them more money.
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Image credit: SAP
Corporate Social Responsibility writer for Justmeans, Antonio Pasolini is a journalist based in Brazil who writes about alternative energy, green living and sustainability. He edits, a top web destination for news and comment on renewable energy, and contributes articles on emerging technology to Gizmag. He is also a happy herbivore.