Scotiabank Promotes Economic Inclusion and Gender Equality in Chile

Read Scotiabank's 2018 Sustainable Business Report
In February 2018, Scotiabank Chile was invited to share best practices for Gender Equality at the 4th Global Forum of Companies for Gender Equity, an event organized by the United Nations Development Program, the Government of Chile, UN Women and the International Labour Organization. Scotiabank Chile was the only private bank invited to participate in the meeting.
Further, as part of Gender Equality month in March, Scotiabank Chile hosted a panel titled Women in Senior Management: Just a Fad? The panel featured members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors who spoke about the representation of women in senior management, and how the Bank has integrated diversity within our culture and corporate values.
In April, we took part in a forum to discuss advances of female representation in advertising and mass media. The initiative was inspired by the Unstereotype Alliance, created by UN Women, and seeks to eradicate the stereotyped representation of women in ass
media and marketing.
Learn more about how Scotiabank's economic inclusion initiatives in their 2018 Sustainable Business Report.