So, What is Green IT Anyway?

The truth is no one really has a handle on Green IT, but we know that it is out there hiding…somewhere. The problem is that the techies are trying to make it “technical” by talking about more efficient programming, servers and cloud technology. For the real world, it need not be that complex. Let me give you a rundown of some Green IT applications:
Skype, Google, and other services offer text, voice, and video to virtually everyone. Skype, for example, provides calls nationally and internationally at no charge if both parties have Skype service. This is very handy and allows international calls with good quality of sound and video.
Buying Energy Star equipment is the simplest way to improve your computer equipment. Some companies, such as HP, promise to take back used equipment which they will recycle for you.
Relocate your website onto a Green server. The best Green servers use alternative power, i.e., wind and solar, employ hi-efficiency servers, and provide “Cloud Technology” to shut down unnecessary equipment.
Smart phones are a Green IT option, although they should be recycled. Smart phones increase productivity, streamline communication and reduce resource demands.
SaaS (Software as a Service) is the latest generation of computer advancement. With SaaS applications, the programming and data can exist on the server rather than your computers. This reduces the cost of buying software, lowers the demand for super computers on your site, and cuts energy consumption. Some examples of SaaS programs are billing online, payroll services, and video conferencing.
E-Faxing eliminates the need for fax machines, reduces paper and ink demand, and lowers your phone bill.
Webinars and web-based training cut down on travel, reduce manpower requirements, and allow for constant updating of off-site staff.
The Virtual Office reduces traffic and gas consumption.
These, and many other similar ideas, are part of the Green IT program we offer offices and businesses. You don’t have to be a techie to implement the Green IT program for your company. The sustainability plan for your company can grow to include many, hopefully all, of these suggestions. Make sure your Green Officer re-evaluates your sustainability plan every month to monitor improvement and watch for new ideas. A sustainability plan is a “work in progress” and your appointed Green Officer should remain focused on the value of the plan to the company.