​Technology and Education is Child's Play in Boston

Dec 18, 2013 9:00 AM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs


Kids love technology, as most parents these days know. True, too often technology is used for entertainment and to interact with friends virtually, but there’s much more kids can do with it when given the opportunity, which is what happened at the Boston Science Museum last week.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH),a global education leader, partnered with Computer Clubhouse, a digital design studio for urban youth located at the Museum of Science, Boston to host EdMakers: Reimagining Your Education Experience. The event was a day-long program that encouraged local students to use technology to tackle challenges facing education.

Students who attended the event, aged 10 to 18, worked in groups throughout the day with volunteers to identify issues from personal experiences at school and to invent solutions using three different mediums: film, game design and wearable technologies. To wrap the day, they put together a showcase for family and friends.

At the end of the day, there was a lot of creativity on display in the finalists' projects. One of them was a glove and bracelet (“glovelet”), a boredom-buster that vibrates and flashes lights when the wearer’s pulse decreases, preventing them from falling asleep ​when they should be concentrating on a class or lecture​. The other final EdMaker was a video game built in MineCraft​. The game ​allows players to gain points as they complete school-related tasks, such as choosing a healthy lunch in the cafeteria.

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Antonio Pasolini is a Corporate Social Responsibility writer for Justmeans, Antonio Pasolini is a journalist based in Brazil who writes about alternative energy, green living and sustainability. He also edits Energyrefuge.com, a top web destination for news and comment on renewable energy and Elpis.org, a recycled paper bag/magazine distributed from health food stores in London, formerly his hometown for over a decade. He is also a happy herbivore.