Truist South Florida Regional President Tony Coley Discusses His Banking Career

Black History Month: Blacks face challenges rising in financial and banking fields
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Originally posted in South Florida Sun Sentinel

When Tony Coley is talking to people, inevitably they ask what he does for a living. He works at Truist Bank, he tells them. Then they ask which branch.

His answer often surprises them: All the branches. In fact, he’s the regional president for South Florida for the company, which was formed out of a merger of SunTrust and BB&T.

Coley, who is Black and a former academic All-America linebacker for the University of Miami, said he doesn’t fit people’s expectations for such a high-level position in banking.

“They don’t envision me in that position,” Coley said. “And it’s no fault of their own. It’s just the world.”

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