On a crisp January morning, an intrepid team of Birmingham associates walked two blocks east from Regions Center to take part in a city-wide event to honor a valuable community partnership and celebrate new opportunities for local children.
At our electric arc furnace (EAF) steel manufacturing operation in McMinnville, Oregon, we source most of our ferrous metal feedstock from our own recycling operations to produce low-carbon finished steel products.
Experts with the World Economic Forum (WEF) have come away from the annual meeting in Davos foretelling a rise in global financing for nature, which could clear the way to meet 2030 biodiversity targets.
With a combination of financial insecurity and heavy creative demands, the music industry can often take a heavy toll on the mental health of artists. Research indicates that 50% of musicians reported symptoms of depression, while an estimated 73% experience anxiety.
3M has teamed up with General Motors on something that has never been done before in automotive manufacturing: automating paint repair on a moving production line.
Over the next three decades, our world is projected to continue to urbanize. In fact, the share of people living in urban areas will increase from 56 percent (2021) to 68 percent by 2050, according to UN Habitat.