For the seventeenth year in a row, the ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) has been selected as a national charity partner in the Subaru Share the Love® Event to help support thousands of animals in need across the country.
Meta is pledging to contract at least $35 million for carbon removal projects in the coming year as part of our goal to achieve net zero emissions across our value chain in 2030.
Ecology's Food Center Lead Jade Monroe was at a Seattle Safeway store this week where she gave tips to reduce holiday food waste. As a Use Food Well campaign partner, Safeway helps Ecology promote food waste prevention through simple steps.
Marathon Petroleum (MPC) was named to the overall 2024 Top Companies for Women to Work in Transportation list by the Women In Trucking Association (WIT). This is the third year in a row that MPC has been recognized by WIT.
Navigating the complexities of carbon emission reporting can be challenging. This post will break down the key concepts and methodologies for carbon footprint measurement, so you can effectively manage and reduce your emissions.
In this latest blog Cascale’s Director of Verification, Training & Insights Dhawall Mane shares insight into Cascale's latest Higg FEM verification changes.
Kris Constantino responded to county leaders' requests for help with supply logistics after Hurricane Helene, focusing on the hardest-hit areas of North Carolina. Pensacola was largely cut off and relying on air-dropped supplies from the National Guard.
At T-Mobile, we’ve made it our mission to be the best in the world at connecting customers to their world. But during the holidays, I think a lot about a different kind of connection — the kind you can’t get from technology alone.
Small and microbusinesses boomed in 2024, expanding their reach and impact. Agile entrepreneurs harnessed cutting-edge tech to seize opportunities, fueling growth and innovation. These nimble ventures now fuel local economies.