Contrail Avoidance: American Airlines’ Pioneering Efforts To Reduce Aviation’s Climate Impact

American is helping lead the way toward developing and testing contrail avoidance methods. In 2023, we participated in a first-of-its-kind study led by Google Research and Breakthrough Energy to help advance the science on contrail avoidance.

Village Savings and Loan Associations, With Kal Lakew and Emily Janoch

On learning through listening and the keys to creating more effective community-driven development solutions, from CARE leaders Kalkidan Lakew Yihun and Emily Janoch.

Next-Generation Aircraft: American Airlines Invests in Hydrogen and Advanced Technologies for Decarbonization

American is helping to catalyze the development of hydrogen-electric propulsion technology — through which hydrogen is used in fuel cells — as well as the future of hydrogen distribution logistics for aviation.

Inside IBM’s Sustainability Strategy With Justina Nixon-Saintil, EP #91

IBM's Chief Impact Officer Justina Nixon-Saintil shares insights on the company's sustainability strategy and efforts, focusing on successes and challenges.

Net-Zero Window Closing but Still Time To Get on Track

Each year, BloombergNEF’s New Energy Outlook develops and evaluates scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy. Delving into electricity, industry, buildings and transport, this flagship report outlines sector and country transition scenarios out to 2050.

Stacy-Marie Ishmael on Why Every Journalist Needs “A Really Good Group Text”

In this article, adapted from an interview that originally appeared on, Ishmael talks about what drew her to journalism, the value of diverse newsrooms, and why she loves working at Bloomberg.

AI’s Hot Pursuit: Cooling Down the Environmental Impact of Data Centers

With the exponential rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, entire industries are being transformed—helping boost productivity and reshaping how business is done and services are delivered.

Combatting Nutrition Security Gaps Through Employee Volunteerism

Before a person can even begin thinking about their financial journey, they must first have access to essential needs like nutritious, filling meals.

Unfortunately, far too many people around the globe are struggling with nutrition security—around 2.4 billion people.

The Cost of Decarbonizing Industry Is High, but Within Reach

Producing the materials needed for the infrastructure and objects we use every day accounts for more than 20% of global emissions.

EV Sales Growth Cools but Some Markets Still Run Hot

This year has been a mixed bag for electric vehicles. After EV sales hit new highs in 2023, some automakers have now revised down their near-term targets, citing falling demand.

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