Baker Hughes Foundation Contributes $152,000 in Support of Earth Day, Climate Education

The Baker Hughes Foundation announced a $152,000 grant to EARTHDAY.ORG in support of climate and environmental literacy as well as the global Earth Day movement.

International Paper Partners With the Arbor Day Foundation To Plant Breaths of Fresh Air

Did you know one single large tree can absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year, transforming it into a day's worth of oxygen for up to four people?

Living Future 2024 Conference: Compelling Keynote Speakers, Updated Standards, and a New Book

The International Living Future’s annual conference meets in the Southeast for the first time, celebrating the Living Future community, the newest version of the Just program, and a book about the Stanley Center for Peace and Security.

NCWIT and KeyBank Honor 38 Students and 2 Educators From Across Ohio With 2024 Aspirations in Computing Awards

The Ohio affiliate of the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT), in partnership with KeyBank, honored 38 high school students across Ohio at the 2024 Aspirations in Computing awards on Saturday, April 20th in Columbus, Ohio.

Pacific Mammal Research Uses Grants To Study Marine Mammals of the Salish Sea

A young girl with a dream to work with dolphins grew up and is now leading research to support conservation efforts of harbor porpoises and harbor seals in the Salish Sea of the Pacific Northwest.

Beyond Plastic: Logitech’s Innovation Approach to Alternative Materials

Kicking off with Earth Day, this first article in a three-part series invites readers to learn how Logitech’s design innovation culture is pushing next-level solutions with Design for Sustainability.

Mercedes-Benz Arena, Shanghai Celebrates World Earth Day Through Music, Art, and Community Engagement

As the world celebrates World Earth Day on April 22nd, AEG’s Mercedes-Benz Arena (MBA) in Shanghai has taken the initiative to raise awareness about environmental issues through a series of events under the theme "Planet vs. Plastics."

In Alberta, These Watershed Protectors’ Passion Runs Deep

With the support of a $20,000 Fueling Futures grant from Enbridge, NSWA established the first youth council, designed to give members educational opportunities about conservation as well as a platform to protect the watershed.

Why Your Business Needs an Effective Sustainability Strategy

It’s vital that we look after the planet for future generations, but that’s not the only reason to implement a sustainability strategy within your organisation.

How Using Alternative Fuels in Data Centers Can Impact Air Permit Compliance

As organizations push for a more sustainable world, more and more data centers are starting to explore alternative, lower carbon emission fuel options for use in their emergency power generators. But its important to understand the implications to your air permitting compliance.

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