100 Years of Olympic Winter Games: The Evolution – Reinventing the Present, Adapting to the Future

Next week marks 100 years since the first Olympic Winter Games took place in Chamonix, France. Ahead of the anniversary, we think about how their future might look in the face of accelerating climate change.

Funding the Affordable Connectivity Program Is Critical for Our Country’s Future

The impact is tremendous, and today more than 22 million Americans are online with the support of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Unfortunately, funding for the ACP may run out as soon as April – putting so much progress at risk.

Maiyah Hill: Investing in Growth at Covia

My first year at Covia has given me the opportunity to put that principle into action – relaunching training programs, further developing resources for Team Members, and collaborating with a wide range of talented professionals.

Cisco’s Sustainability 101: What Are Smart Grids?

Do you feel a bit lost when people refer to certain environmental sustainability topics and aren’t sure where to start when it comes to learning more?

Albertsons Companies Seeks Innovative, Diverse-Owned Brands, Hosts Fourth Annual Supplier Diversity Program

As part of the company’s ongoing commitment to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, the Albertsons Cos. Supplier Diversity Program is designed to discover, support and give diverse-owned suppliers the opportunity to expand their business with Albertsons Cos.

Climate Change: PotlatchDeltic's Physical Risk Analysis - Idaho Timberlands

PotlatchDeltic’s timberland climate analysis evaluates the potential physical impacts that changes in atmospheric CO2, temperature, and precipitation could have on our timberlands under various greenhouse gas (GHG) scenarios.

North American Firms See Tech As Silver Lining in 2024 Business Forecast

Despite geopolitical uncertainty and economic challenges, North American businesses are not just surviving, but thriving, according to compelling new research from Economist Impact and DP World.

Adaptive Re-use and Modernization for Existing Data Centers

Data centers are a critical part of modern business operations, and their importance is only growing as more data is generated and artificial intelligence puts added pressure on capacities. Many older data centers are struggling to keep up with the demands of modern technology.

DP World Welcomes First LNG-Powered Container Vessel at Brazil’s Port of Santos

In a significant step towards sustainable maritime operations, DP World welcomed the CMA CGM BAHIA, a container vessel powered liquefied natural gas (LNG), into the Port of Santos, Brazil, on January 22, 2024.

Allen & York – 30 Years and Counting

Allen & York's CEO and Founder, Mark Allen has a story or two about Environmental & Sustainability recruitment, but we wanted to ask him why he founded Allen & York and how he was feeling 30 years on.

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