Unlocking Success: Tips for Entrepreneurs in Peak Seasons [Video]

Hey entrepreneurs, my name is Natalie Engler and I'm a communications manager with GoDaddy. On our mission to help entrepreneurs around the world thrive, GoDaddy is pleased to share from the experts how you can prepare your business for busier times of the year.

Alibaba Businesses Share Green Initiatives at COP28

Cainiao’s AI-powered logistics tool cuts packing materials by 15%
Delivery service Ele.me targets plastic and food waste with in-app prompts

Medtronic Continues To Rank in the DJSI World Index for 2023

Medtronic plc, a global leader in healthcare technology, today announced its continued inclusion in the Dow Jones® Sustainability World Index (DJSI) as one of the world's leading companies for sustainability.

ESG Trendsetters: How Dolby Leverages AI To Navigate the ESG Landscape

In this episode of ESG Trendsetters, we learn about Dolby, a company with an inspiring goal to create unforgettable experiences through audio and visual technology.

What Companies Should Know About California’s New Climate Accountability Package

California lawmakers recently passed two senate bills, SB-253 and SB-261, that comprise the state’s Climate Accountability Package. In addition, the state passed the assembly bill AB-1305. These bills have the potential to reshape climate reporting practices in the U.S.

10 Ways People Can Manage During the Holidays: How To Safeguard Your Sobriety

Managing the holidays can be challenging for individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs), as this time of year often involves social gatherings and increased stress.

Cracking Climate Communications: How Companies Can Get It Right

We’re all familiar with philosophy’s favourite thought experiment: ‘if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ Now let’s apply the same thinking to climate action.

Reduced Energy Costs Make Increased Comfort Sweeter at Veronica’s Bakery & Café

After a local business alliance connected him with a Pepco Energy Savings for Business program representative, Eddy was reassured to learn that they could install a new, energy-efficient HVAC system that would effectively cool their space while also fitting their budget.

Supporting Our Nonprofit Partners in Providing Energy Assistance This Winter Season

In addition to providing funding for energy assistance, the foundation is also providing a donation of $10,000 to Excel Golf for Youth Development.

Supply Chain Special Report Features Kimberly Clark’s Tamera Fenske

Chief Supply Chain Officer Tamera Fenske recently provided insights for Consumer Goods Technology’s 2023 Supply Chain Special Report.

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