A Female Perspective on Sustainable Investing

Without wanting to dismiss men and their interest in sustainable investing, it seems to me that women have an inherently greater attention to the topic, given their physical role in bringing into existence the next generation of humans.

Historic New Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership Sets the Global Stage for Climate Action

14 government leaders representing regions in Africa, Australia, Europe, and North and South America signed a Statement of Commitment to establish the Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership (MCAP).

Forbes Article Penned by Arbor Day Foundation CEO Draws Connection Between Consumer Loyalty, Climate Responsibility

New poll data shows consumers are more likely to support companies committed to environmental responsibility.

Santiam Hospital and Clinics Foundation Receives $150,000 Grant from KeyBank

KeyBank has announced a grant of $150,000 to the Santiam Hospital And Clinics Foundation. The funds will help improve access to healthcare where patients live, work, and play through an expansion of the emergency department.

Paychex Study: SMB Leaders To Manage HR and Business Challenges With New Technology in 2024

Paychex shared the results of the annual Priorities for Business Leaders survey, which highlight a diverse set of challenges America’s business owners and HR leaders are expecting to face in 2024 – and nearly all (98%) will use artificial intelligence (AI) to help solve them.

Black & Veatch: Grid Cybersecurity Planning, Investment Key to Safeguard Infrastructure

As if U.S. electric utilities didn’t already have enough to worry about, protecting their critical infrastructure from cyber or physical attacks increasingly are keeping operators up at night.

Action Against Hunger Calls for Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

Action Against Hunger is calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Essity Hygiene and Health Report 2023–2024: Highlighting the Economic Value of Prevention for Preparedness

In light of economic downturns and austerity measures, it is important to focus on the broader value created for society through a total cost calculation, including societal costs.

Updated MOU Strengthens Commitment for GRI Standards and ESRS Alignment

GRI and EFRAG have now signed a new Memorandum of Understanding, reaffirming their commitment to collaborating on the interoperability of the GRI Standards and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Gilead Employees Stitch Together To Create a Special Panel of the AIDS Quilt

Nearly 36 years ago the AIDS Memorial Quilt was displayed for the first time to memorialize and physically represent lives lost to HIV. Gilead has always actively supported the Quilt, and creating a new panel made sense for a company dedicated to helping end the HIV epidemic.

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