Xfinity’s HBCU Fall Tour Opens Doors for the Next Generation of Innovators, Entrepreneurs, and Creators

This year's tour will visit 11 HBCU campuses in communities Comcast serves, inspiring the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators.

Rayonier 2022 Sustainability Report: Sustainable Forest Management

Rayonier first commenced a plantation forestry program in the late 1940s, marking the beginning of our perpetual cycle of planting, harvesting, and replanting our forests.

Comcast NBCUniversal Named One of the Top Companies on PEOPLE’s Annual ‘100 Companies That Care’ List

We’re honored Comcast NBCUniversal ranked 12th on PEOPLE Magazine’s 100 Companies that Care list for 2023. Partnering with Great Place to Work, this annual list published today highlights U.S. companies that demonstrate outstanding respect, care, and concern for their employees.

GRI North America Enabling Next Generation Sustainability Leaders

The North America region for GRI has been piloting a program that would ultimately enable a large number of students in the Sustainability field to graduate with GRI Professional Certification credentials at a substantially reduced cost.

Why It’s Better To Speak Up About Sustainability Achievements

There is a new trend where companies are afraid to announce their sustainability achievements due to risks of accidentally greenwashing, lawsuits or harm to their brands.

Nanotecnología En El Tratamiento De Superficies: Tecnología Que Ayuda Al Medio Ambiente

La necesidad de innovaciones tecnológicas respetuosas con el medio ambiente ha acelerado el desarrollo de soluciones, que fomenten el ahorro de carbono en las operaciones de tratamiento de superficies.

Nanotecnologia No Tratamento De Superfícies: Tecnologia Aliada Do Meio-Ambiente

A necessidade de inovações tecnológicas favoráveis ao meio-ambiente acelerou o desenvolvimento de soluções que promovam economia de carbono nas operações de tratamento de superfícies.

Albertsons Companies' Team in Homer, Alaska Conducts Annual Highway Cleanup

The Albertsons Companies' team in Homer, Alaska is committed to bettering their community.

Pride and Dedication: Meet Daniel Shafer

What’s your story? Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do here at GoDaddy. My name is Daniel Shafer and I am currently residing in Boise, Idaho. I have a strong passion for computers, and I am also a single dad to a sixteen year old, daughter.

A Guide to Internal Carbon Pricing

Setting an internal carbon pricing strategy is one tool that is helping many companies in their decarbonization journey. 

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